How we collect your information

In order to provide the most valuable service for our customers, Stokker asks you to link your brokerage accounts. Linking is done through our partner,, which handles credential validation (including multi-factor authentication) for each institution it supports and provides your account transaction history and holdings structure to Stokker using secure access tokens.

Plaid's linking process ensures that Stokker never touches your brokerage account credentials and has no direct access to your account. This prevents Stokker from making any trades on your behalf or transferring money from your brokerage account. Stokker’s access to your account is strictly read-only and protected by Plaid.

How we store your information

Cloud infrastructure

Stokker is created on Amazon AWS cloud infrastructure which is designed for secure, high-performing, resilient applications

Data encryption

The combination of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) keeps your personal information safe. We encrypt data in transit between our services and at rest, ensuring that it can only be accessed by authorized roles and services with audited access to the encryption keys

Information we collect

We store holdings and transaction history data provided by Plaid for accounts you linked in our encrypted database. For transactions, this includes the date, type (Buy, Sell, Dividend), ticker, price, and quantity. For holdings, it's ticker and quantity.

Plaid provides no more than 12 months of transaction history to Stokker, and for some brokers, Stokker has access to less transaction history data (or none at all) for the period prior to the account linking event on Stokker.

Stokker also computes performance and transaction stats to provide you with insights such as:

  • Performance data over a period of one day to five years (if applicable)
  • Transaction position/portfolio percentage
  • Transaction profit and loss (P&L)

We securely store all content that our customers generate on the platform (e.g., comments and discussions, images, reactions).

We also safeguard your credentials when you register for a Stokker account. We never store your password in a clear format; instead, we use a hashing algorithm with a hash salt (a random combination of bits) unique for each user.

When you delete your Stokker account

We delete all the data associated with your linked brokerage accounts (holdings and transactions) when you disconnect your brokerage account or delete your Stokker account.